Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cant tell if this is a UTI or not...?

Today I got my period. I've had UTIs in the past...but this morning I woke up from a burning sensation and an urge to pee. I thought, "oh god, not this again!!". So when I got to work I chugged a bunch of water and the pain subsided and I was able to go again normally. Now as Im sitting here typing, I kind of feel the pain coming back...what should I do? Is it a UTI?

Rockin Roller Coaster Florida.....?

ive been on the rockin roller coaster and the upside downs are pretty mild and very smooth. dont worry but it is dark so u cant se anything

Am i pregnant? (Informative answers please)?

Considering you used the pull-out method, there is a low chance of pregnancy. Your missed period could be due to stressing out over the situation. Also, a negative pregnancy usually means what it shows: negative. If you really are pregnant, you may have taken the test too early or incorrectly. Touching the sample collection section won't make the test negative. The only likely way to take a pregnancy test incorrectly is to not get enough urine on it. Try another test, but take it in the morning with your first morning pee. (It's supposed to have the more of the hormone in it) if you remember which day you had some spotting, look up an ovulation calculator, and see if it were within a week after ovulating. If so, then it was more than likely implantation bleeding. I honestly don't think you are, but keep in mind that I am not a health care provider. Also: don't convince yourself you are, it will only make it seem like the symptoms are really there. Good luck! :)

Does anyone agree with Rev. Fred Phelps?

Rev Fred Phelps was forced to pay 11 million dollars when his anti gay church protested at a soldiers funeral with signs saying "soldiers die, god laughs", "god hates fags", "god hates america", and "god loves dead soldiers". The only people i could see god hating is these contradictory hypocritical jackes. I don't believe god hates anyone, for we all make mistakes and fighting for your country is no mistake, and we are all his children and he loves us.I don't think he luaghs when someone dies, rather, i think he cries. I don't know what kind of ruthless, heartless god they worship, but it is not our god, for although in their eyes it is, it has been molded to fit their views so when someone asks them to justify their bigotry they have "god on their side", which is not true anyone here agree with that guy?

Should I email my friend or not? family probs?

If you are talking to her, I don't understand the question. If she wants to talk to you about her life and personal problems, all you can do is make yourself available. If that does happen, you have to be genuine and ready for what is coming up yourself. If things are truly as you say, the last thing she needs is someone who lets her start to open up and then you either run away or fall to pieces so badly that she has to turn the tables and be YOUR support. Don't push yourself on her. I do find it admirable that you are considering your friend in the context that you are. It's a complicated situation and there are many adult who fail to recognize when a friend is having problems or is facing potential problems AND want to offer support. Just be gentle, be real and be patient. Realize also, if she may just lean on you if you allow her too and then "drift away" again as she gets her composure back. Do not take it personally and end up making her an enemy or someone to fight with down the road because you feel like she used you and dumped you when she no longer needed you- that is exactly what may happen. OR you could end up with a best friend for life! Either way, in my opinion you are a winner

Specific information about medieval funerals for peasants?

I need specific prayers and such they'd say for a play about a family of medieval peasants for school...

Have you ever forgotten something you needed but then remember at a time you no longer needed it?

I once forgot where I put my room key in my dormitory when I was in vocational school. After I got a new key made and paid the fee I found the key in my locker when I was straightening up my locker.